Flexible SigmoidoscopyTo evaluate your lower colon (large bowel, large intestine), your doctor may perform a flexible sigmoidoscopy. This examination allows your doctor to view the inner lining of your rectum and last few feet of large bowel. After your initial office visit, you will be given instructions on how to cleanse your bowels with laxatives and enemas. After reviewing the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the test, you will be asked to sign a consent form. As you lay on your left side, the doctor will gently insert a thin, flexible tube with a miniature camera into the rectum and advance it through the lower part of the colon. Air is introduced during the procedure to distend the bowel and allow careful inspection of the surface. As needed, a biopsy (removal of a tiny bit of tissue) or polypectomy (removal of a polyp) will be performed and the tissue sent to a pathologist for microscopic examination. You will not feel any discomfort when the biopsy or polypectomy is performed. Before you leave the endoscopy center, your doctor will discuss the procedure findings with you, and provide further instructions. Our nursing staff will provide you with a written copy of the findings and instructions, as well as handouts on appropriate topics. You may feel mild bloating and cramping after the test, but that will subside as you eliminate the air introduced during the procedure. Your primary doctor will also receive a report of your procedure. Prep for sigmoidoscopy (PDF file) Day of test: Drink only clear liquids for breakfast and lunch. Solid
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